I’m excited to share with you that my work is featured in the April 2017 issue of Experience Life magazine, the national publication of Life Time Fitness Health Clubs! Last fall Maggie Fazeli Fard, Senior Fitness Editor for Experience Life, attended one of my walking workshops and interviewed me for her feature on rediscovering the joys of walking well. The article strikes a really healthy tone about self improvement. I’m quoted several times at the beginning and end, along with various walking experts.
The piece ends with a complete text Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lesson I wrote. It’s based on a lesson I taught in the workshop, and there’s a link to a version of it I recorded as one of my free online audio lessons.
Click here to read the main article, “Relearn to Walk.”
The last section is “3 Steps to Better Walking,” the magazine’s title for my Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lesson. It’s a chair-seated text adaptation I made of my free streaming audio lesson called Your Navigational Pelvis. Unfortunately in the magazine version there’s a misleading illustration and a text error. Click here for a correction, or to stream Your Navigational Pelvis right now.
And there’s a “web extra” Experience Life sidebar in which the author writes about her experience with this ATM lesson in my workshop, Walking with Grace and Ease.
Click here to read the online sidebar, “Awareness in Walking.”
It’s always exciting to see Feldenkrais mentioned at the national level and I’m delighted to have been featured. I am very grateful for this exposure, which furthers my goal of sharing the life-improving benefits of Feldenkrais study as widely as possible!
My community has been teaching people to “learn how to learn” — to pay quiet attention and learn to be good for themselves — for over 50 years. We are still too small a voice in a world that increasingly needs this work, but we are growing!
And we are always thrilled when our reflective, “less is more” message gets a megaphone.
Please share this post and help spread the word!
– Nick