Our donor-supported online audio lesson project is growing and hiring! Thanks to your interest and support, it’s time for the next phase. We are proud to launch The Feldenkrais Project!
It’s starting today with a new name and link (www.feldenkraisproject.com) for the same wonderful service. We share high quality Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement lessons with thousands of people across the globe.
By only seeking donations to support this work, we’re creating the lowest possible barrier to study, so anyone can learn and improve themselves through Feldenkrais lessons anytime, anywhere!
Want to join us in our mission to improve the world through Feldenkrais? There are two ways you can help:
- Contribute your web, writing, audio, or marketing skills to help us spread the benefits of Feldenkrais study, elevate awareness of the Feldenkrais Method, and build on the success of our grass-roots funding model.
- Become a founding donor to support the next phase of The Feldenkrais Project.
Please click here to learn more about joining the Project!
THANK YOU for supporting this work any way you can: whether it’s donating, contributing your web skills, spreading the word, “liking” and following, commenting on the lesson pages, or simply using and talking about the lesson. However you do it, I am so grateful for your help in making the world a better place through Feldenkrais!
– Nick
PS – These recent user testimonials have inspired me to expand the project!
Thank you for your philosophy of sharing ATM with everyone. Without your graciousness to make your course available to the Internet without any upfront cost, I would have never discovered Feldenkrais. This has literally changed the way I look at life and how I live within my body. I cannot thank you enough.
Thanks again for the free online classes. I’ve had some incredible success with them. Now I can balance for the first time in 6 years…Maybe you can imagine what that means to me. My self-image is still adjusting. It’s a beautiful thing. I feel so grateful that I get to spend the rest of my life experiencing such ease in my body.
Thank you again Nick for your wonderful lessons. I continue to benefit from them. Your lessons have become one of the best times in my day. Thank you for the work and attention you put into them. I am deeply grateful.
– Jacob, online student and repeat donor
I live in a rural area and your recordings are my Feldenkrais practice these days.